Wednesday 25 May 2011

Surviving the Rapture

Just to give insight to how off topic I can be ;) haha I was reading this on a blog about Howard Camping's persistence and all the wasteful money that Howard Camping has put into advertising the rapture... which not only he consequently got the date wrong, he didnt put this money to better use.

Anyway, the stupid idea of calculating the rapture sparked the ingenuity of one of person and a group of friends whereby he created a website allowing people to register their pets to be picked up and taken care of by this business genius and his friends after the rapture. Evidently taking advantage of the gullible which may have some ethical questioning but it paid off in excess of $20,000.

So there you go Howard Camping gave us a new date, October 21, 2011 I wonder if any new genuine business ideas will come out of it


  1. $20,000?!? A buddy and I had the exact same idea during another end times prophecy a few years ago. This would have been the one to actually put it into play though.

  2. Sneak in some wifi on my moto xoom at work... I had also thought about cashing in on the situation with some survival how-tos on my website.

  3. hes just stupid.. he was wrong in 1994 too so...

  4. We should all capitalise on this. :D

  5. indeed! tshirts: I survived the rapture!

  6. Oivvad I very much agree :p
    Like your thinking pietah, 'I survived the rapture and all I got was this lousy t-shirt'

    Cheers for checking out my blog guys

  7. God I hate idiots like this lol

  8. 'Surviving the rapture' sounds like a cheesy action movie starring tom cruise xD

  9. I'm hoping to survive another dooms day :D

  10. I wish I'd thought of that. I'm going to make a note for the enxt end of the world.

  11. @Garysip yes 2012 isnt feeling to far off now hey, seen the movie? maybe we can capitalize on making a replica of the ship/submarines in the movie haha

  12. You have to love people who actually believed "The Rapture" was happening that day. Most people in my town are rather hardcore religion followers, who also believed that the rapture was going to happen and if I read something like this post or even the post about the guy(s) who did the pet thing, well, hell I could've been 20K $ richer.. haha...
    Nice post.

  13. Really sad how much money was squandered... Although his followers believe/d the billboards were going to 'save' people, they should of actually contributed to charities that would physically help people.

  14. Harold Camping just hopes he dies before Oct 21 so he doesnt have to live up to his mistakes.
